AdGon is worth Tex money. Tex was worth the money they weren't willing to pay him two years ago. That said I'm not going to kill them for not offering Jayson Werth this deal because it is absolutely ridiculous. .... Werth got his ring and now can plan his vacations in early October and take his new G6 to get there. win-win. Reply. Poopy Pants says: December 5, 2010 at 5:44 pm. But I thought most of the people here thought Werth sucked and wasn't worth a big contract? ...
07/14/09 08:16am; en : Why do hotels insist on either unhealthy breakfasts or wheat-based? I eat neither. Trying to fuel up on bowl of fruit & a yoghurt!!!! 07/14/09 08:16am; en : @laurenlouisehar Possibly London or countryside in France. ..... I'd rather have AdGon or VMart, but Rolen would be much less expensive to acquire than either of them. 07/13/09 10:03pm; en : @SimsGalore Same!! I liked the noised the game made whenever there was heavy rain or a thunder storm, ...
Una tumba tendrá tu nombre. En el cementerio de de los recuerdos. Tantas cosas bonitas. Tan bonitos recuerdos. Una noche si luna. Donde acabo todo esto. Me pides que te olvide. Yo te pido esto. Ódiame, ódiame, ódiame ...